Aug 06, 2024

Digiteum Team

healthcare web development

eHealth, Web

Complete Guide to Healthcare Web Development

In healthcare, everyone is tired of managing patient info with paper records and phone calls. These old-school methods waste time, lead to mistakes and cause headaches for everyone. That’s why healthcare providers (HCPs) are turning to digital solutions and healthcare web development.

This shift has already driven the global health tech market to reach $309.93 billion in 2023.

Want to develop a medical web app and join the revolution? First, you need to understand the healthcare web development process.

Good news: You’re in the right place. With over a decade of providing healthcare software development services, Digiteum can guide you through the process. Explore our tips and tricks below to get started.

Benefits of having a custom healthcare web application

A well-designed web application benefits everyone in healthcare. Here’s what each group gains:

  • Healthcare providers (HCP): efficient patient management, smoother communication, and better data access
  • Clinicians: easier patient data tracking, improved diagnostics, and quicker access to medical records
  • Medical administrative assistants: automated routine tasks, less paperwork, and improved scheduling
  • Patients: better access to medical records, easy appointment scheduling, and improved communication with HCPs

While many ready-made solutions are available (e.g., over 800 appointment scheduling tools on Capterra), these can sometimes fall short. Off-the-shelf options may struggle with:

  • Too many applications. Managing multiple apps is a hassle.
  • Integration needs. Connecting with unique or legacy systems can be challenging.
  • Customized treatment plans. Personalized care often requires tailored solutions.
  • Advanced data analytics. Custom reporting features are frequently needed.

For these reasons, custom healthcare web development is often the best choice for addressing specific needs.

Feeling overwhelmed by the size of the project? Don’t worry! Digiteum is here to help. We’ll break down the process into easy steps and show you how to speed up your progress. Let’s get started!

5 main steps of the healthcare web development process

healthcare web development steps

Step 1. Research and discovery

Every successful product starts with thorough research and discovery – much like diagnosing a condition before treatment. At this stage, you gather and analyze as much relevant data as you can. Then, you use this information to guide your next steps.

Here’s how to nail the research and discovery stage, based on our experience at Digiteum:

  • Know your users. Your web application will likely serve various people, each with unique needs. For example, if you’re building a patient portal for people with diabetes, consider complications like blurred vision. Integrate features like enlarged text, high-contrast modes, or assistive technologies to make the application accessible for users who suffer from this complication.
  • Analyze competitors. Check out existing solutions. What do they offer? Where do they fall short? For instance, many Parkinson’s management apps offer video exercises. But what if your web app provided live, real-time training sessions? This could fill a significant gap and set your product apart.
  • List your requirements. With your data in hand, outline features that will make your healthcare web app unique.
  • For instance, the UK company How Do I? wanted to improve mental health apps for people with learning difficulties. They saw a gap in the market for practical video instructions and hired Digiteum to create an app using custom NFC stickers. Each sticker links to videos showing how to use everyday items. We also built an Android video editor to help caregivers create these instructional videos easily.

  • Choose technology and infrastructure. Next up is picking the right tech stack, integrations, and cloud platforms. Good engineers know how to choose and arrange these tools to perform better and save you money on maintenance.
  • Sounds too good to be true? It’s exactly what we did for Diaceutics, a precision medicine company. We cut their data infrastructure costs by three times by switching to more efficient tools, all without sacrificing quality.

  • Prioritize features. Focus on essential features first. Don’t try to build everything at once. Plan for the core functionalities and consider adding additional features later.
    At Digiteum, we always remind our clients to use resources wisely. Start with the main features and save the nice-to-haves for later.

Yes, it’s a lot of work, and it often takes a team to handle all this. If you don’t have the right experts in-house, consider hiring a tech partner. They can help with the discovery phase and give you a detailed cost estimate and development plan for your healthcare web application development project.

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At Digiteum, we love helping clients turn their ideas into successful products. Want to see for yourself? Check us out!

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Step 2. Design

At the design stage, your application starts to take shape. This phase in healthcare web app development involves several steps.

mobile design process

For an in-depth look at the UX design process, check out our detailed blog post.

Now, let’s talk about some key challenges in healthcare web design and development that you need to address at this stage:

  • Keep it simple. Design should be straightforward. Make sure it’s easy for everyone to use – whether they’re busy clinicians juggling patient data or patients simply trying to book an appointment. Stick to a clean, intuitive interface and avoid unnecessary complexity.
  • Prioritize privacy. Your healthcare web app and its design must adhere to regulations like HIPAA, GDPR, or PIPEDA. For example, HIPAA requires tight control over who can access sensitive health information. Your design should include detailed user roles and permissions, like a restricted admin panel with controlled access.
  • Focus on accessibility. Your design should be inclusive. Ensure it works well on different devices and screen sizes and accommodates users with disabilities. That’s why features like enlarged text, high contrast modes, and compatibility with assistive technologies are crucial.
  • Optimize data visualization. Healthcare apps deal with a lot of data. Design clear and effective data visualization tools to help users easily understand complex information. Good data visualization allows users to quickly grasp key details and make informed decisions.

By the end of this stage, you’ll have a full design kit. This kit will detail every screen, interaction, and how your web app works on different devices.

Great design doesn’t just make your application look good – it also improves user experience and keeps people engaged.

Take the lymphoma app, for example. It’s a perfect illustration of how design can make a difference. This app helps cancer patients manage their symptoms, handle prescriptions, and chat with doctors, all in one place. It’s simple and easy to use, even for those who aren’t tech-savvy.

That’s one reason why the app has won awards and is featured as one of the “Best New Medical Apps.” It shows that a well-designed user experience isn’t just about looks; it’s about making a real impact.

healthcare service development company

Step 3. Development

Let’s talk about the development stage. There’s a lot to consider to build a healthcare web app, whether you have an in-house team or are working with a tech partner.

You might be using different approaches – though at Digiteum, we’re big fans of Agile. But no matter the approach, there are key things to keep in mind to make your web development for healthcare smooth and effective.

  • Focus on what’s essential first. We recommend building and launching a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with just the core features. This allows you to test and gather feedback before adding extra features. Features that aren’t critical can be added later based on real user input and performance metrics.
  • Bring in Quality Assurance (QA) from the get-go. Testing early helps catch and fix issues before they become major problems. In healthcare, it’s especially important because your product must comply with strict regulations. We’ve seen what can go wrong when a system has bugs – like with the launch, where users accidentally saw other people’s personal health information.
  • Plan for scalability. Your healthcare web app should handle large volumes of data and many users. It must perform well even during peak times. For instance, if your app tracks heart disease symptoms, not updating heart rate in real-time could mean missing a critical change in a patient’s condition and a timely medical intervention.

Never miss crucial patient updates

With our expertise in big data projects, your healthcare web app will handle increased traffic and data seamlessly. You won’t experience any slowdowns.

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Step 4. Deployment

When it’s time to deploy, you want everything to go off without a hitch. Here’s how to make sure it does:

  • Use CI/CD. Automate updates with continuous integration and deployment. This helps you roll out new features and changes without downtime.
  • Follow security regulations. Healthcare regulations are detailed and complex. So, make sure to comply fully to avoid fines.
  • Check that everything works seamlessly together. Seamless integration with existing systems, like Electronic Health Records (EHRs), is also important as you don’t want to disrupt current workflows.

Step 5. Support and scale-up

Launching your healthcare web app is just the start. Keeping up with support and optimization is crucial, especially in healthcare. You’ll need to ensure your solution stays compliant with regulations like HIPAA. This means regular updates and checks to keep up with changing rules.

  • Use feedback and analytics to guide your improvements. As your user base grows, you’ll manage more data and need to keep it secure. Make sure you add new features and strengthen security as needed.
  • Ongoing support is important too. Provide continuous help and training for healthcare professionals and patients. As you roll out new features, users will need assistance to adapt.
  • Monitor your web app’s performance closely. Ensure it remains fast and reliable as the number of users and amount of data increase. Be ready to integrate with new technologies and systems as they come up in healthcare.

By addressing these needs, you’ll keep your healthcare app running smoothly and delivering value as it grows.

Best practices in web development in healthcare

Let’s wrap up with some universal best practices. These tips will help you build an effective healthcare web app, no matter what specific features it has.

healthcare web development best practices

Ensure data security and compliance

Healthcare web apps need to protect sensitive patient information. Follow regulations like HIPAA in the US or GDPR in Europe. Use strong encryption and secure authentication. Regular security checks help keep data safe.

Focus on user-friendly design

A simple and intuitive design makes the healthcare web app easy to use. Keep the interface clear and straightforward. Make sure the layout works well on all devices. This way, users won’t get frustrated and can easily find what they need.

Implement robust access controls

Manage who can see and edit information with access controls. Use role-based access so only authorized users, like doctors or admin staff, can handle sensitive data. This keeps information safe and relevant to each user.

Ensure mobile compatibility

Many people use healthcare apps on their phones or tablets. The application should work smoothly on all devices. A responsive design means users have a good experience whether they’re scheduling an appointment or checking their health records.

Add reliable customer support

Good customer support is vital. Offer options like chat support, AI bots, and a helpful FAQ section. Make it easy for users to find contact information. This way, users can get help quickly and feel more confident using the product.

Healthcare web development technologies

Sure, your healthcare web app might use any tech stack based on its goals. Still, knowing the key technologies used by your competitors for building a healthcare web application can give you an edge.

At Digiteum, we’ve put together an extensive library of articles and resources, written in collaboration with top experts in healthcare web development. These articles cover a wide range of topics, from choosing the right technology to integrating advanced features. Feel free to explore.

Cloud computing in healthcare

HCPs often struggle with managing and storing large amounts of patient data securely. Cloud computing comes to the rescue. It offers scalable storage solutions and access to patient records in real-time from anywhere. This is especially helpful during emergencies when it guarantees timely and coordinated care.

Learn more about best practices in cloud computing for the healthcare industry.

Data management and analytics

Healthcare organizations face a challenge: they have tons of data, but it’s often unstructured and hard to use effectively. That’s where the data-driven healthcare approach comes in. These tools analyze large datasets, uncover patterns, and support data-driven decisions.

At Digiteum, we’ve been working with big data in healthcare for over 10 years. We’re especially proud of our work with Diaceutics. Their DXRX precision medicine platform connects with hundreds of labs, pulls out data, and presents it in a way that helps clients like pharma companies make important decisions. For example, it can reveal general reactions to a medication or identify potential focus groups.

Software as a Service (SaaS) in healthcare

Implementing and maintaining healthcare software can be expensive and complicated. SaaS solutions simplify things. They offer affordable, scalable, and easy-to-deploy applications, perfect for small healthcare practices. SaaS solutions cut down the need for heavy IT infrastructure and streamline operations without a big upfront investment.

Thinking about building your own healthcare SaaS solution? Check out our detailed how-to guide to SaaS app development. It’s packed with practical tips and insights to help you through the process.

Interoperability and integration technologies

Different healthcare systems often can’t talk to each other, leading to fragmented patient care. Interoperability and integration technologies solve this problem. Tools like Health Information Exchange (HIE) and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) enable HCPs to share sensitive information across systems. This improves coordination and continuity of care.

Interoperability was central to NextGate’s EHR management platform. The platform gathers data from multiple sources and integrates seamlessly with healthcare providers’ existing systems. This integration ensures that healthcare providers, no matter what software they use, receive a clear and complete view of patient information.

Digiteum focused on creating a flexible and user-friendly interface. Our goal was to make sure that HCPs can easily access and interpret all essential data.

EHR Data Quality Manager

Patient engagement technologies

If patients aren’t engaged in their treatment, they’re less likely to stick to their plans. This is a widespread issue. Many patients find it hard to follow treatment instructions or take their medications as prescribed.

But there’s good news: technology can make a difference.

Take a patient portal, for example. It lets patients check lab results, schedule appointments, and chat with their healthcare team – all in one place. This easy access keeps them involved in their care. And when patients are engaged, they’re more likely to follow their treatment plans and achieve better health outcomes.

Ready to improve patient engagement? Discover how Digiteum simplifies patient portal development.

Essential features for the development of a healthcare web app

healthcare web development key features

Sign up and login

Healthcare apps handle sensitive info like medical records and appointment schedules. This makes a secure sign-up and login system a must.

In this case, “secure” means using encryption to protect data, multi-factor authentication (MFA) to verify users, and regular updates to fend off cyber threats.

Think it’s overkill? Just look at the recent attack on Change Healthcare. They didn’t enable MFA – a basic cybersecurity measure – and it cost them.

Appointment scheduling

A simple appointment scheduling system lets users quickly see available times and choose what works best for them. They can also easily reschedule or cancel online. This means less hassle and more control for your users.

Telemedicine integration

Telemedicine integration lets users have virtual consultations from the comfort of their homes, which they really appreciate. Whether through video calls, chat, or secure messaging, it’s all about making it easy for users to connect with their doctors.

Medical records access

With online access to medical records, both doctors and patients can quickly check past diagnoses, treatments, and test results. This helps patients keep track of their progress. And doctors use the info to see how treatments are working and make any necessary adjustments.

Prescription management

A prescription management system makes handling medications easy. Users can quickly request refills, keep track of their meds, and get reminders to take their pills on time. It’s a real game-changer for sticking to treatment plans.

For healthcare providers, it’s just as helpful. It cuts down on mistakes, makes sure patients follow their prescriptions, and simplifies monitoring – all while keeping data safe and sound. In short, it keeps medication management smooth and reliable for everyone involved.

Symptom checker

Health tracking tools let users monitor vital metrics like blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, and activity. They help users manage their health and provide accurate data to healthcare providers for better treatment.

Educational resources

It’s not just about a library of health articles and videos. A healthcare web app can do much more. It can offer everything from detailed health info to personalized tips.

Take the app we developed for lymphoma patients in collaboration with the Lymphoma Research Foundation, for example. Digiteum designed it to identify each user’s specific lymphoma subtype and provide tailored advice, rather than general information. This makes it easier for users to stay on track with their care plans and be more proactive about their health.

Count on Digiteum for your healthcare web application development needs

Since 2010, Digiteum has been building healthcare web apps, including websites and portals. Here is our track record:

  • Award-winning work. Our projects have received recognition from Apple, Nesta Innovation Agency for Social Good (UK), Fierce Pharma, Health Tech Newspaper, and IKEA Bootcamp Programme for their quality.
  • Trusted partnerships. We’ve been working with industry leaders like Diaceutics, Lymphoma Research Foundation, NextGate, and Takeda.
  • Diverse clients. We create products for a wide range of healthcare needs, from pharma to clinics.
  • Global impact. Our solutions reach millions of users around the world.
  • Expertise in action. With a focus on big data and UX/UI design, we deliver exceptional results.

The apps we deliver earn recognition for a reason

Our team builds healthcare products that are reliable, secure, and easy to use. We’re here to make sure your app is just as great.

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Final thought

The healthcare industry is quickly adopting digital health tools, so now is the ideal time to enter this growing market.

But, developing a healthcare web application isn’t simple, with all the steps and details involved. We’ve covered them all in our healthcare web development guide.

With all these complexities, it’s important to partner with a team with expertise in the industry.

At Digiteum, we’re that team. We create compliant, scalable, and user-friendly healthcare web apps in line with the latest market trends and regulations.

Got an idea for the next big thing in eHealth? Let’s discuss how we can make it a success together.


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Though we hear less about “IoT” than we did 3-5 years ago, we’re still enjoying the benefits of IoT in healthcare. In fact, IoT is a key part of booming telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and personalized treatment.
How to comply with HIPAA regulations for healthcare app development?
  • Implement tools to keep patient data secure in transit and at rest
  • Use role-based access controls for patients, doctors, nurses, etc.
  • Conduct regular security audits
  • Keep your healthcare web app updated
How to choose a partner to develop a healthcare web app?
  • Look for a partner with proven experience in healthcare
  • Ensure they understand and comply with relevant regulations
  • Review their past projects and client feedback
  • Confirm they provide a transparent and detailed development process